Text validations
You can use validation to force or request a respondent to answer a question. Validation can also be used for security and to make sure that the input is valid before respondents can proceed with the survey.
How to reqire a response for a text input question?
By default, validation for a question is switched off.
- To make a question reqired, switch on the toggle for validation on the text input type question.
- Forced Validation is selected and Default validation enables basic validation to reqire a question to be answered.
When answering the survey, default validation will reqire a response before respondents can proceed.
Can I validate the text input?
Yes, consider an example where you want to validate the employee code entered by an employee. To do so, first pass the employee code to the survey via custom variables. Now on the question, set the validation as Equals and select the custom variable.
In this case, the entered text will be checked against the value in custom1. If it matches, respondent will be allowed to proceed. If the entered text doesn't match, respondent will not be allowed to proceed until the input matches.
Following comparison operators are available for validation:
- Equals
- Equals [Match case]
- Contains
- Contains [Match case]
- Does not contain
- Starts with
- Ends with
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